Arqam WordPress Social Counter Plugin grabs the latest counts of your Fans/Followers etc from your Favorite Social Networks and then displays them on your Blog. It is the perfect solution to encourage more users to join your network.
- 100% Responsive
- Retina Ready
- Get all future updates with added features FREE for lifetime
- Translation Ready, Includes the .po and .mo files
- Cross-Browser Compatibility FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9, IE10
- Drag an Drop feature to sort icons as you wish !
- Option To set the Cache time to reduce load time and API calls.
- Store the values as a fallback, if any of the APIs is not reachable.
- Available as a widget and shortcode.
- Available as a widget and shortcode.
- Option for the number of columns.
- Dark skin option.
- Compatibility with the Visual Composer plugin.
- Displays the number of:
- Facebook Page Fans
- Twitter Followers
- Google+ Page Followers
- Dribbble Followers
- Envato Followers
- Delicious Followers
- SoundCloud Followers
- Github Followers
- Behance Followers
- Tumblr Followers
- YouTube Subscribers
- Vimeo Channel Subscribers
- Foursquare Friends
- MailChimp List Subscribers
- Instagram Followers
- LinkedIn Company Followers and Profile Connections
- Vk Members
- 500px Followers
- Vine Followers
- Pinterest Followers
- Flickr group Members
- Steam group Members
- RSS Subscribers Number ( / Manual )
- Goodreads user and artist Followers Counter.
- Mixcloud Followers Counter.
- Twitch Followers Counter.
- bbPress topics, replies and forums counters.
- BuddyPress groups counter.
- myMail plugin subscribers.
- Mailpoet plugin subscribers.
- Members Number
- Posts Number
- Comments Number.
- Multiple Styles
- Metro Style.
- Colored Border icons.
- Gray Rounded icons.
- Colored Rounded icons.
- Flat Colored square icons.